Frederick Perls

Frederick Salomon Perls (1893 – 1970), better known as Fritz Perls.  Was a German psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Founder of the Gestalt therapy.


  1. This update of your blog is very nice but one thing is that to write a comment I had to click on No comments!! This is a bit tricky... Anyway, picture is wanderful thank you

  2. Lose the mind, release all the senses to be able to really feel the beauty of nature: the deep and see-through blue of sky, the green of leaves, the brown of soil, and the fresh of air... and, of course, ourselves through the transparent of the lake. As a result, the mindfulness comes back and we can be aware of the happiness as well as ourselves at present. We really live for present at that time. To have a happy life, we should blend and balance between our mind and feelings.
    I like several photos which you posted. They are nice.
    (The comment is just for fun and practising my English. I have to run away to finish my exercises now :D)

    1. Your description is very deep, I'm glad that you could feel such a beautiful state of soul...
      Good luck with exercises!
