Francis of Assisi

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing impossible.

Saint Francis of Assisi (1181/1182 – 1226) an Italian Catholic friar and preacher.


  1. Replies
    1. Isle of Wight, England :)

    2. Wow! I have got 0/10 mark for my guess. No problem, it will be improved next time :D. But the photo is really nice, especially the deep blue of the sea and sky. I love the sky and sea because of their color and feeling free but still very small when I stand in front of them. To me, sea has a special meaning. My first trip was to go to the seaside with my father. We arrived there at night and waited to see the sun rise. He showed me how beautiful, immense and mysterious the sea is. It became the inspiration for me to learn and study it after.
      The moment for childhood memory is over. I must go to my bed now in order to have a good and energetic day tomorrow.
      Goodnight (good morning) to you and everyone in the world! :D
